Block Overview
Blocks, visually represented by a rectangle, with the icon of the funciton marked at the center and may have atleast one or many terminals through which data enters or exists the block through connectors. There is a vast library of blocks available in Flint visual programmer which can be simply dragged and dropped to create a logic. User can edit the property of the blocks, map data variable to them to store data in Property view.
When you left click on the block, the corresponding block will be selected, and the selected block will be highlighted and the property of the selected block is viewed in property section.
Adding a Block
The user can simply drag and drop the block from the Toolbox.
Edit a Block
The user can modify the block’s properties from the property’s menu.
Delete a Block
A block can be deleted either by right click menu or by delete button in key board. In Block deletion Block Input and output terminal connectors are not deleted unless the another end is connected to a block.