Messaging Groups
This group has signal Message blocks as follows.
Message Queue
Message Push
Message Pop
Message Queue
This block is used to queue a set of messages.
Properties Name
Depth of the queue
Length of the queue data
Types - FIFO, LIFO, Priority
Order of handling the queue data
Inputs and Outputs Name
In – Input Variable
Input Message from Queue push
Out – Output Variable
Output Message to Queue Pop
Message Push
This block is used to push the message data into the message queue. There is no special properties for this block as it just pushes the data from its input to the Queue w.r.t its execution time.
Inputs and Outputs Name
In – Input Variable
Input Message from its Input Block
Out – Output Variable
Output Message to Message Queue
Message Pop
This block is used to pop the message data from the message queue. There is no special properties for this block as it just pops the data from the Queue to the next block w.r.t its execution time.
Inputs and Outputs Name
In – Input Variable
Input Message from its Message Queue
Out – Output Variable
Output poped message to next block