It is essential to have standard ways of representing information to enable storage on to a file and retrieval back from it. Based on the application and use case, file formats are defined. While there are thousands of file formats, verify few are primarily used in embedded application scenario. RAPIDSEA supports some of these file formats such as MDF4, JSON etc.
Our library supports both encoding data to these formats and decoding them back to structure/object data over a single function call. Optimized for both best use of code size and memory, these modules were carefully designed to avoid dynamic memory allocation to enable deterministic utilization. With good error handling support, even invalid data are handled with grace.
MDF4 - Measurement Data Format version 4 is a binary file format widely used in the automotive industry for storing data from interfaces like CAN, LIN and measurement data from various ECUs. RAPIDSEA offers support for encoding binary data in MDF4 format with the following features:
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a text-based data interchange format for representing structured data. As one of the most common encoding formats, it is used for transferring information between entities and also to convey configuration information.: