JSON Parser
Using json_init_obj initialize the json by giving json obj as an argument.
Parse the json input data in byte by byte.
Function |
Description |
rs_json_init_obj |
Function to initialize the JSON object |
rs_json_process_input |
Function to parse the JSON input data in byte by byte |
rs_json_output_to_string |
Function to generates the JSON string from the structure data according to the input string length |
rs_json_reset |
Function to reset the JSON object |
Using these ‘rs’ calls set the input required for the json file, call the function ‘rs_json_process_input’ it will parse the data in byte by byte and store in to structure.
Example Demo
Please refer below section,
JSON Parser Header Details
Documentation from the relevant header as follows:
JSON Value character Data type.
JSON Value unsigned short integer Data type.
JSON Value signed short integer Data type.
JSON Value unsigned integer Data type.
JSON Value signed integer Data type.
JSON Value string Data type.
JSON Value array Data type.
Size of the JSON key and value data buffer.
Maximum array depth in JSON message.
The initial structure of the JSON message contains the maximum elements.
STRUCTARRAY(type, element, subtype, count)
JSON structure variables details.
MEMBEROFFSET(type, element)
Offset of the variable in the structure.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_data_objects_t rs_json_objects_t
Structure to store the array details in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_strings_t rs_json_strings_t
Structure to store the string value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_int_t rs_json_int_t
Structure to store the integer value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_uint_t rs_json_uint_t
Structure to store the unsigned integer value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_short_t rs_json_short_t
Structure to store the short integer value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_ushort_t rs_json_ushort_t
Structure to store the short unsigned integer value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_real_t rs_json_real_t
Structure to store the real value in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_array_t rs_json_array_t
Structure to hold the information about array in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_attr_t rs_json_attr_t
Structure to hold the attribute of the individual objects in the JSON message.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_arr_attr_info_t rs_json_arr_attr_info_t
Structure to hold the starting address of the array object.
typedef struct tag_rs_json_obj_t rs_json_obj_t
Structure contains the complete JSON object details.
rs_ret_val_t rs_json_init_obj(rs_json_obj_t *ptr_json_obj_inst, rs_json_attr_t *ptr_attrs, void *ptr_obj_storage, uint32_t u32_max_obj_size)
Function to initialize the JSON object.
This function initializes the JSON object for further JSON parsing operation
- Parameters:
ptr_json_obj_inst – [in] - Pointer to JSON object instance
ptr_attrs – [in] - Pointer to the starting address of JSON attribute
ptr_obj_storage – [in] - Pointer to the user defined storage
u32_max_obj_size – [in] - Maximum size of the user object
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_json_process_input(rs_json_obj_t *ptr_json_obj, uint8_t *ptr_json_msg_buf, uint32_t u32_json_msg_len)
Function to parse the JSON input data.
This function stores the JSON value in the appropriate variable after parsing the JSON input data.
- Parameters:
ptr_json_obj – [in] - Pointer to the JSON object
ptr_json_msg_buf – [in] - Pointer to JSON message buffer
u32_json_msg_len – [in] - JSON message length
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_json_output_to_string(rs_json_obj_t *ptr_json_obj, uint8_t *ptr_json_out_buf, uint32_t u32_max_str_len)
Function to output JSON string for the given object.
This function outputs JSON formatted string for the object
- Parameters:
ptr_json_obj – [in] - Pointer to the JSON object
ptr_json_out_buf – [in] - Pointer to JSON output buffer
u32_max_str_len – [in] - Maximum JSON string length
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_json_reset(rs_json_obj_t *ptr_json_obj)
Function to reset the JSON object variables.
This function reset the JSON object variables to zero, if the JSON data was invalid
- Parameters:
ptr_json_obj – [in] - Pointer to JSON object
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
struct tag_rs_json_data_objects_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the array details in the JSON message.
Public Members
struct rs_json_attr_t *ptr_subtype
Pointer to sub array.
uint8_t *ptr_base
Pointer to base.
uint32_t stride
Variable of stride.
struct rs_json_attr_t *ptr_subtype
struct tag_rs_json_strings_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the string value in the JSON message.
struct tag_rs_json_int_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the integer value in the JSON message.
Public Members
int32_t *ptr_data
Pointer data to signed integer.
int32_t *ptr_data
struct tag_rs_json_uint_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the unsigned integer value in the JSON message.
Public Members
uint32_t *ptr_data
Pointer data to unsigned integer.
uint32_t *ptr_data
struct tag_rs_json_short_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the short integer value in the JSON message.
Public Members
int16_t *ptr_data
Pointer data to signed short integer.
int16_t *ptr_data
struct tag_rs_json_ushort_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the short unsigned integer value in the JSON message.
Public Members
uint16_t *ptr_data
Pointer data to unsigned short integer.
uint16_t *ptr_data
struct tag_rs_json_real_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to store the real value in the JSON message.
Public Members
uint64_t *ptr_data
Pointer data to real.
uint64_t *ptr_data
struct tag_rs_json_array_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to hold the information about array in the JSON message.
Public Members
uint8_t element_type
Variable of Element data type.
int32_t offset
Variable of offset value.
rs_json_objects_t objects
Variable of objects structure.
rs_json_strings_t strings
Variable of strings structure.
rs_json_int_t integer
Variable of signed integer structure.
rs_json_uint_t uinteger
Variable of unsigned integer structure.
rs_json_short_t shortint
Variable of signed short integer structure.
rs_json_ushort_t ushortint
Variable of unsigned short integer structure.
rs_json_real_t real
Variable of real structure.
union tag_rs_json_array_t arr
uint32_t obj_count_offset
Variable to store the offset of array object count.
uint32_t maxlen
Variable of maximum object count in each array.
uint8_t element_type
struct tag_rs_json_attr_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to hold the attribute of the individual objects in the JSON message.
Public Members
char *ptr_attribute
Pointer to store JSON key attribute.
uint8_t data_type
Variable of JSON key attribute data type.
int32_t *ptr_integer
Pointer to signed integer.
uint32_t *ptr_uinteger
Pointer to unsigned integer.
int16_t *ptr_shortint
Pointer to signed short integer.
uint16_t *ptr_ushortint
Pointer to unsigned short integer.
uint64_t *ptr_real
Pointer to double.
uint8_t *ptr_string
Pointer to string.
uint8_t *ptr_character
Pointer to character.
struct rs_json_attr_t *ptr_attrs
Pointer variable of JSON attribute structure.
rs_json_array_t array
Variable of JSON array structure.
int32_t offset
Variable of offset value.
union tag_rs_json_attr_t addr
int32_t integer
Variable of signed integer.
uint32_t uinteger
Variable of unsigned integer.
int16_t shortint
Variable of signed short integer.
uint16_t ushortint
Variable of unsigned short integer.
uint64_t real
Variable of double.
uint8_t character
Variable of character.
uint8_t *ptr_check
Pointer to check.
union tag_rs_json_attr_t dflt
int32_t len
Variable of string length for JSON string attribute.
char *ptr_attribute
struct tag_rs_json_arr_attr_info_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure to hold the starting address of the array object.
Public Members
void *ptr_current_json_attr
Void pointer to store starting address of the array object.
void *ptr_current_json_attr
struct tag_rs_json_obj_t
- #include <rs_json.h>
Structure contains the complete JSON object details.
Public Members
void *ptr_obj
Starting address of the user structure.
uint32_t max_object_size
Variable of object size - future use.
rs_json_attr_t *ptr_json_attr
Starting address of the user structure used for parse the JSON message.
uint8_t data_buff[RS_JSON_DATA_BUFF_SIZE]
Buffer to store the JSON Key and Value.
int32_t arr_offset[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Array contains the individual array offset from starting address.
uint32_t count[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Holding the array count variables offset.
int32_t next_obj_offset[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Holding the offset of the next object in the array.
uint32_t max_len[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Holding the maximum length of each array in the JSON message.
uint32_t flag
Holding JSON Message status flag.
uint32_t data_index
Holding JSON Message index.
uint32_t offset_value
Holding the Offset of the JSON value to be written.
uint8_t data_type
Holding Data type of the JSON key data.
uint8_t array_count
Holding array count.
uint8_t array_depth
Holding array depth.
void *ptr_curr_base[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Holding starting address of the JSON input data to string output data.
uint32_t u32_curr_depth
Holding current array depth.
uint32_t u32_num_bytes
Holding the number of bytes copied into the user output buffer.
uint8_t u8_attr_index
Holding the index of the attributes in the JSON object.
rs_json_arr_attr_info_t json_arr_attr_info[RS_JSON_MAX_ARRAY_DEPTH]
Holding the starting address of the array in JSON.
void *ptr_obj