ISO15765 - DoCAN Protocol
DoCAN Overview
ISO 15765 (ISO-TP or DoCAN) is an international standard for sending data packets over a CAN-Bus that exceed the eight byte maximum payload of CAN frames. ISO-TP segments longer messages into multiple frames, adding metadata that allows the interpretation of individual frames and reassembly into a complete message packet by the recipient allowing up to 4GB of transfers.
Embien offers its implementation of the protocol via the RAPIDSEA DoCAN stack. Some of the major features of the stack are
Support for both SF, FF, CF and FC
Support for various timing configuration
Multi-message filtering
Up to 4095 bytes transfer support
MISRA-C compliant ANSI C source code
Can be used with or without RTOS
Can support 8, 16, 32, 64-bit CPUs
As captured in the below diagram, the DoCAN stack is typically accessed by the higher level application stack like UDS and this in-turn calls the lower level CAN HAL.

Using DoCAN
This section covers the details of how to use the DoCAN stack. Essentially the DoCAN is responsible for framing of packets and de-framing of packets of large messages over smaller CAN frames. It employs frames such as SingleFrame (SF), FirstFrame(FF), ConsecutiveFrame(CF) and FlowControl(FC) packets to manage the message flow.
As it is message oriented, the RAPIDSEA DoCAN stack has to be provided with the buffers during initialization. The size of the buffers can be determined by the user based on their application requirement. For example, if 4096 message size has to be supported, each of the buffer must be of at least this size plus a few more.
When the higher level application layer wants to transfer a message, it should first request one from the DoCAN layer, fill it with data and queue it for transmission. Then the DoCAN stack sends the message over one or more frames and informs the caller of the status of the transfer. Similarly when an incoming message is received, DoCAN consolidates it over multiple frames in a single message and provides it to the application layer as a single message.
The below table captures the function that are to be called from the application logic.
Function |
Description |
rs_iso15765_open |
To initialize the ISO15765 DoCAN stack |
rs_iso15765_set_tx_msg_buf |
To assign buffers for transmission |
rs_iso15765_set_rx_msg_buf |
To assign buffers for reception |
rs_iso15765_release_transmit_msg |
To release the transmit buffer of DoCAN message |
rs_iso15765_rx_buffer_handled |
To indicate successful processing of received message |
rs_iso15765_register_callback |
Registers callback function to be called on events |
rs_iso15765_process |
To be periodically called for internal processing |
rs_iso15765_close |
To free the DoCAN handle |
The details of these functions are covered in the below sections.
The application logic should call the rs_can_init function and use the returned handle when initializing the DoCAN stack.
The below table captures the function that are called from the DoCAN Stack.
Function |
Description |
rs_can_register_callback |
Registers the ISO15765 DoCAN stack call back with the CAN layer |
rs_can_get_transmit_buf |
To get CAN buffers for transmission |
rs_can_transmit |
To transmit CAN buffers |
More details of these CAN related functions are available in the CAN Interface page.
The below diagram captures the high level sequence of operations associated with the DoCAN stack.

Refer to the ISO14229 - UDS Protocol page for an example about how the RAPIDSEA UDS stack uses the DoCAN.
This stack depends on the below RAPIDSEA interfaces that can be obtained or custom implemented.
DoCAN Header Details
Documentation from the relevant header as follows:
ISO15765 DoCAN Module.
This file contains the APIs for using ISO15765 defined DoCAN module used for UDS and OBD communication
- Author
Embien RAPIDSEA Team
- Copyright
Embien Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
N_Error indication.
N_TIMEOUT_A indication.
N_TIMEOUT_Bs indication.
PCI Mask.
Single Frame.
First Frame.
Consecutive Frame.
Flow Control Frame.
Continue to send.
Wait till CTS.
Overflow Abort.
Received message idle state.
Received message Ready to send flow control state.
Received message flow control sent state.
Transmit message idle state.
Transmit message single frame sent state.
Transmit message first frame sent state.
Transmit message consecutive frame sent state.
Transmit message wait for CTS state.
Number of data bytes per SF.
typedef struct tag_rs_iso15765_config rs_iso15765_config_t
Contains information about DoCAN configuration.
typedef struct tag_rs_iso15765_instance rs_iso15765_instance_t
Contains information about DoCAN.
typedef void (*rs_iso15765_callback)(void *ptr_arg, rs_ret_val_t reason, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_msg)
Callback function format.
This callback function is called on completion of given activity
- Param ptr_arg:
[in] - Pointer to the UDS client instance structure.
- Param reason:
[in] - Result of the last operation requested in non-blocking mode
- Param ptr_msg:
[in] - Pointer to receive buffer on reception or NULL
- Return:
rs_handle_t rs_iso15765_open(rs_iso15765_instance_t *ptr_instance, rs_iso15765_config_t *ptr_config)
Initialize the DoCAN instance structure with initial values.
This function initialize the DoCAN instance structure with initial values.
- Parameters:
ptr_instance – [in] - pointer to the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_config – [in] - pointer to the DoCAN configuration information
- Returns:
Handle of the DoCAN instance information which include configuration information also
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_set_tx_msg_buf(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_tx_msgs, uint32_t u32_num_msg, void *ptr_msg_ptr_buf)
Set up the transmit buffers to be used for the DoCAN stack.
This function sets up the transmit buffers to be used for DoCAN stack
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_tx_msgs – [in] - Pointer to the array of DoCAN transmit messages
u32_num_msg – [in] - Number of transmit messages that the DoCAN stack can use from the above array
ptr_msg_ptr_buf – [in] - Pointer to the pointer FIFO buffer
- Returns:
Return Zero or negative error code
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_set_rx_msg_buf(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_rx_msgs, uint32_t u32_num_msg)
Set up the receive buffers to be used for the DoCAN stack.
This function sets up the receive buffers to be used for DoCAN stack
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_tx_msgs – [in] - Pointer to the array of DoCAN receive messages
u32_num_msg – [in] - Number of receive messages that the DoCAN stack can use from the above array
- Returns:
Return Zero or negative error code
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_queue_transmit_msg(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_msg)
Transmits the given message.
This function transmits the given message over one or more frames
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_msg – [in] - Pointer to the message to be transmitted
- Returns:
Return Zero or negative error code
rs_an_tp_msg_t *rs_iso15765_get_transmit_msg_buf(rs_handle_t docan_handle)
Requests a transmit buffer for sending DoCAN message.
This function return a transmit buffer for sending DoCAN message
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
- Returns:
Pointer to a free transmit buffer if available or NULL
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_release_transmit_msg(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_msg)
Release the transmit buffer of DoCAN message.
This function release the transmit buffer of DoCAN message
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_msg – [in] - Pointer to the message to be released
- Returns:
Return 0 on success or negative on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_rx_buffer_handled(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_an_tp_msg_t *ptr_msg)
Indicates the receive buffer is handled.
This function indicates the received buffer is handled and can be freed
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_msg – [in] - Pointer to the message received
- Returns:
Return 0 on success or negative on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_register_callback(rs_handle_t docan_handle, rs_iso15765_callback ptr_func, void *ptr_arg)
Registers the given callback function for ISO15765 operation.
This function registers the given callback function for various reasons
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
ptr_func – [in] - Callback function to call to
ptr_arg – [in] - Pointer to the UDS or OBD instance information
- Returns:
Return 0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_process(rs_handle_t docan_handle)
Function to be called periodically to process underlying state machines.
This function is to be called at not more than 5 ms interval to handle ISO15765 states
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
- Returns:
Return 0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_iso15765_close(rs_handle_t docan_handle)
Function to free the DoCAN handle.
This function used to free the DoCAN handle
- Parameters:
docan_handle – [in] - Handle of the ISO15765 instance information
- Returns:
Return 0 on success or error code on failure
struct tag_rs_iso15765_config
- #include <rs_iso15765.h>
Contains information about DoCAN configuration.
struct tag_rs_iso15765_instance
- #include <rs_iso15765.h>
Contains information about DoCAN.
Public Members
rs_an_tp_instance_t an_tp_instance
Common instance DoCAN/DoIP(Information)
rs_iso15765_config_t *ptr_docan_config
Pointer to the DoCAN configuration.
rs_handle_t can_handle
Can Handle.
uint8_t next_sn
Next serial num expected.
uint32_t exp_rx_len
Num frame bytes expected.
uint32_t total_tx_frames
Num frame bytes transmitted.
rs_can_data_t *ptr_cur_tx_data
CAN Data being transmitted.
uint32_t tx_fc_req_time
Flow control request time.
uint32_t tx_next_cf_time
Next CF frame transmit time1.
uint32_t last_rx_time
Last Receive Data time.
uint8_t next_tx_sn
Next serial number to be transmitted.
rs_an_tp_instance_t an_tp_instance