Pointer-Array-FIFO Buffer Manager
In many cases, there will be a need to submit pointers in an order and consume them. For example, a originator module can push transmit data pointers to a buffer and sender module can get it and transmit it. In such cases, Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO can be used.
The rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_init function can be used to initialize the manger with the starting address of the pre-allocated array with the number of elements that can be stored. When a pointer has to be pushed in, rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_push can be called. The other module can use rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_pop to pop-out the same.
Pointer-FIFO Buffer Manager Header
Documentation from the relevant header as follows:
Definitions for RAPIDSEA Buffer Manager to manage array/linked list based buffers.
rs_ret_val_t rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_init(rs_buffer_mgr_t *ptr_mgr, void *ptr_array, uint32_t u32_num_pointers)
Initializes the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager.
This function initializes the manager with the given configuration
- Parameters:
ptr_mgr – [in] - Pointer to the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager memory
ptr_array – [in] - Starting address of the pointer array to be used
u32_num_pointers – [in] - Number of pointers that can be held in the array
- Returns:
Zero for success or negative error code
rs_ret_val_t rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_push(rs_buffer_mgr_t *ptr_mgr, void *ptr)
Pushes a pointer to the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager.
This function is used to push a pointer to the manager
- Parameters:
ptr_mgr – [in] - Pointer to the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager memory
ptr – [in] - Pointer to be pushed in
- Returns:
Zero for success or negative error code
void *rs_pointer_fifo_buf_mgr_pop(rs_buffer_mgr_t *ptr_mgr)
Pops out a pointer from the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager.
This function is used to pop a pointer from the manager, if available
- Parameters:
ptr_mgr – [in] - Pointer to the Pointer-Array-backed-FIFO buffer manager memory
- Returns:
Pointer is available or NULL if not