System Configuration Stack
The RAPIDSEA System Configuration Stack enables developers to rapidly incorporate device configuration format and update parameters.
System configuration parameters are required in embedded devices and are also referred to as system settings. Based on those system settings, the device can enable and control the relevant hardware and software processes. The configuration can be done through any interface, depending on the device interface selected and availability.
Supported features
System configuration parameter mapping
System configuration update
Multiple interface selection and support
Configuration update indication from remote device
Configuration update status to remote device
Lower memory footprint
Configuration statistics
Configuration storage and backup support by EEPROM/ External memory.
System configuration enables connectivity with remote device using through a dedicated interface selection and communication protocol . The below diagram depicts the stack with its underlying physical connection along with higher level modules.
The below diagram captures the high level block diagram of the RAPIDSEA System configuration module and how it interfaces with other modules.

Application Interface
The below table captures the function that are to be called from the application logic.
Function |
Description |
rs_sys_conf_init |
To initialize the system configuration stack |
rs_sys_conf_register_callback |
To register the callback function to be called on events |
rs_sys_conf_data_begin |
To handle the system configuration begin packet process |
rs_sys_conf_data |
To validate the system configuration data |
rs_sys_conf_data_end |
To handle the process of the system configuration end packet |
rs_sys_conf_set_status |
To update system configuration status |
rs_sys_conf_get_status |
To gets the System configuration status |
rs_sys_conf_callback |
Callback function format |
System Configuration Header Details
Documentation from the relevant header as follows:
System configuration Specific APIs.
Defines macros and functions specific to System configuration functionality
- Author
Embien RAPIDSEA Team
- Copyright
Embien Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
New system configuration received.
System configuration json validation error.
System configuration parameter error.
System configuration valid status.
System configuration invalid status.
System configuration format.
typedef void (*rs_sys_conf_callback)(rs_handle_t handle, rs_ret_val_t result)
Callback function format.
This callback function is called on system configuration event basics
- Param handle:
[in] - Handle to the system configuration
- Param result:
[in] - Result of the system configuration process
- Return:
typedef struct tag_rs_sys_config rs_sys_config_instance_t
Structure for system configuration information.
rs_handle_t rs_sys_conf_init(rs_sys_config_instance_t *ptr_instance, uint8_t sys_conf_type, void *ptr_json_attr, void *ptr_sys_config, uint32_t u32_sys_conf_size)
Initialize the system configuration instance to process the system configuration data.
This function configures the system configuration JSON format and system configuration structure pointer to further process it.
- Parameters:
ptr_instance – [in] - Pointer to the system configuration instance
sys_conf_type – [in] - Type to initialize the system configuration format.
ptr_json_attr – [in] - Pointer to set the JSON attributes
ptr_sys_config – [in] - Pointer of user system configuration structure.
u32_sys_conf_size – [in] - system configuration size
- Returns:
handle to system configuration initialization on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_register_callback(rs_handle_t handle, rs_sys_conf_callback ptr_func)
Registers the given callback function for event of system configuration process.
This function registers the given callback function for event of system configuration
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
ptr_func – [in] - Callback function to call the system configuration callback.
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_data_begin(rs_handle_t handle)
System configuration begin packet process.
This function clears the system configuration attributes and variables and wait for the begin request.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_data(rs_handle_t handle, void *ptr_buffer, uint32_t u32_sys_conf_size)
Validate the system configuration data.
This function process the system configuration data, validate with configured JSON format and trigger the callback with status
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
ptr_buffer – [in] - Pointer of system configuration buffer
u32_sys_conf_size – [in] - system configuration size
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_data_end(rs_handle_t handle)
System configuration End packet process.
This function waits for the end packet and process it.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_set_status(rs_handle_t handle, uint8_t u8_status)
System configuration status update.
This function sets the system configuration status.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
u8_status – [in] - Set the status VALID/INVALID
- Returns:
0 on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_sys_conf_get_status(rs_handle_t handle)
Gets the System configuration status.
This function return the last system configuration status.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the system configuration
- Returns:
0 on VALID or non zero on INVALID
struct tag_rs_sys_config
- #include <rs_sys_conf.h>
Structure for system configuration information.
Public Members
uint8_t sys_conf_type
System configuration type.
uint8_t *ptr_json_format_attr
Pointer to JSON format attribute.
uint8_t *ptr_sys_config
System configuration pointer buffer.
uint32_t u32_max_config_buff_size
System Configuration size.
rs_sys_conf_callback ptr_cb
Pointer to the callback function.
uint8_t u8_sys_configuration_status
System configuration status.
uint8_t sys_conf_type