Modbus Client Protocol
MODBUS Overview
Modbus is a communication protocol used to transmit data across serial lines between various electronic devices. The protocol is open-source and can be used for major in industrial applications such as PLCs, variable speed drives, HMIs, Data acquisition systems etc. This is probably utilized for the connection of a system controlling using an RTU in SCADA in the power domain.
Embien offers Modbus Stack for both use in server and client configurations. Our implementation supports all the function codes defined by the protocol and supports extension via APIs too. Physical layers supported include RTU, ASCII and TCP/IP.
- Some of the salient features of RAPIDSEA Modbus protocol stack are
Single/Multiple Read/Write functionalities.
Coils/Holding Registers and Input Registers.
Supports major baud rates from 9600 to 115200 bauds and beyond
RTU/ASCII modes can be operated with and without parity and configurable Stop bits.
Server and Client Mode of operation.
Royalty Free Licensing Model.
Highly Optimized for MCU’s.
Uses less amount of RAM and ROM.
Runs on Linux, Windows and with/without RTOS.
The implementation is fully configurable and is offered for both server and client mode of operation.
Modbus Client
RAPIDSEA implements Modbus client where different types of requests such as READ_HOLDING, WRITE_INPUT etc can be orginated to the server address configured.
Supported Functionalities
Following services are supported in the Modbus Stack
Function Code |
Register Type |
Value Type |
Access Type |
01 (0x01) |
Read Coil Status |
Discrete |
Read |
02 (0x02) |
Read Input Status |
Discrete |
Read |
03 (0x03) |
Read Holding Registers |
16 Bit |
Read |
04 (0x04) |
Read Input Registers |
16 Bit |
Read |
05 (0x05) |
Write Single Coil |
16 Bit |
Read |
06 (0x06) |
Write Single Holding Register |
16 Bit |
Write |
15 (0x0F) |
Write Multiple Coils |
Discrete |
Write |
16 (0x10) |
Write Multiple Holding Registers |
16 Bit |
Write |
Application Interface
While the RAPIDSEA Modbus client stack can handle most of the functionality such as server response validation, validate client request formation, once submit the request, properly release the given request,etc. The RAPIDSEA Modbus client clearly defines API and callback functions that are essential for the user to use/implement. The below table captures the function that are to be called from the application logic.
The below table contains API calls to perform the client stack.
Function |
Description |
rs_modbus_client_open |
To Initialize the serial/socket configuration. |
rs_modbus_client_run |
To set the state to be open |
rs_modbus_client_process |
To be called periodically to process the request. |
rs_modbus_client_get_free_req |
To get a free available request from Modbus channel. |
rs_modbus_client_submit_req |
To submit the given request for the given channel. |
rs_modbus_client_is_req_done |
To return the current status of the given request. |
rs_modbus_client_put_req |
To release the given request for further use. |
rs_modbus_client_reconfig |
To restart the client application by reconfiguring modbus client. |
rs_modbus_client_close |
To close the Modbus client. |
rcb_modbus_serial |
Called to handle serial timeouts |
Only a millisecond timer is sufficient for the stack to run.
Implementation Guide
This section explains how to implement the Modbus client stack using the RAPIDSEA stack, the steps to be followed are
Initially start the client init to start the Modbus stack.
Then client task state is in idle condition, until Modbus client start.
Modbus client start change the state from idle to state open.
In Modbus client process, initially get the free available request from the Modbus channel by giving the Modbus handle.
Modbus client process called periodically to form the client request.
Once form the request, Submit the given request to the given channel.
Properly release the given request for further use.
The below diagram captures the high level sequence of operations associated with the Modbus client RTU
High level state machine of modbus client is depicted below
Modbus Supported Modes
Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
To establish protocol communication, this represents data in a binary format and is mostly utilized in serial communication. The messages in this version are divided by idle periods. The format that is followed in the RTU version is a cyclic redundancy check to verify mechanism and this makes sure of data reliability.
Serial communication header details refer to the serial interface page for more details Serial Interface
Modbus TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol)
To establish protocol communication, this represents data in a binary format and is mostly utilized in internet communication. The messages in this version are divided by idle periods. The format that is followed in the TCP version is a longitudinal redundancy check to verify mechanism and this makes sure of data reliability.
Socket communication header details refer to the socket interface page for more details Socket Interface
Modbus Client Header Details
Documentation from the relevant client header as follows:
Modbus Client Module.
This file contains the APIs for using MODBUS client feature
- Author
Embien RAPIDSEA Team
- Copyright
Embien Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
Modbus Request Types.
Modbus Communication Type (RTU, ASCII and TCP)
Modbus client transport interface(RTU/TCP) address length.
Maximum buffer length - ASCII mode.
Maximum buffer length - RTU mode.
Maximum buffer length - TCP Mode.
Maximum FIFO buffer length - ASCII mode.
Maximum FIFO buffer length - RTU mode.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_client_req rs_modbus_client_req_t
Contains information about client request.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_client_config rs_modbus_client_config_t
Contains information about client configuration.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_client_instance rs_modbus_client_instance_t
Contains information about client.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_rtu_client_instance rs_modbus_rtu_client_instance_t
Contains information about rtu client.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_ascii_client_instance rs_modbus_ascii_client_instance_t
Contains information about ASCII client.
typedef struct tag_rs_modbus_client_info rs_modbus_tcp_client_instance_t
Contains information about TCP client.
rs_handle_t rs_modbus_client_open(rs_modbus_client_instance_t *ptr_instance, rs_modbus_client_config_t *ptr_config)
Initializes the Modbus client Channel for further communication.
This function opens the underlying communication channel and prepares it for further communication with the salve
- Parameters:
ptr_instance – [in] - Pointer to the Modbus client run time data
ptr_config – [in] - Pointer to the Modbus client configuration information
- Returns:
Handle on success or negative error code
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_process(rs_handle_t handle)
Perform maintenance process on the Modbus client instance.
This function handles the Modbus client process functionality such as state machine etc. Must be called periodically
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
- Returns:
Zero on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_reconfig(rs_handle_t handle)
Re-configures the Modbus client instance.
This function reconfigure the Modbus client as per the latest configuration
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
- Returns:
Zero on success or error code on failure
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_run(rs_handle_t handle, uint32_t u32_run)
Starts or Stops the Modbus client.
This function starts the Modbus client or stop it based on the input arguments.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
u32_run – [in] - Start or Stop state requested.
- Returns:
Zero on success or error code on failure
rs_modbus_client_req_t *rs_modbus_client_get_free_req(rs_handle_t handle)
Gets a free available request from Modbus channel.
This function returns a free request for the given channel if one is free. Must be released via rs_modbus_client_put_free_req
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
- Returns:
Pointer to a free request buffer or NULL if not available
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_submit_req(rs_handle_t handle, rs_modbus_client_req_t *ptr_mb_req)
Submits a request to given Modbus channel.
This function submits the given request for the given channel
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
ptr_mb_req – [in] - Pointer to request to be processed
- Returns:
0 on success or error code
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_is_req_done(rs_handle_t handle, rs_modbus_client_req_t *ptr_mb_req)
Checks the status of the given request.
This function returns the current status of the given request
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
ptr_mb_req – [in] - Pointer to request to be processed
- Returns:
RS_ERR_OK if processed without error, RS_ERR_BUSY if still processing or error code of the request handling
rs_ret_val_t rs_modbus_client_put_req(rs_handle_t handle, rs_modbus_client_req_t *ptr_mb_req)
Releases the given request for further use.
This function releases the given request
- Parameters:
handle – [in] - Handle to the Modbus client
ptr_mb_req – [in] - Pointer to request to be processed
- Returns:
0 on success or error code
struct tag_rs_modbus_client_req
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about client request.
Public Members
uint8_t slave_id
Modbus slave id.
uint8_t req_type
Request command type - read holding/write holding.
uint16_t address
Starting address.
uint16_t num_reg
Number of registers to be read/written.
uint8_t request
Request Command.
int8_t status
Response Status. Positive value to process 0 & negative for response result.
void *ptr_value
Pointer to values to be read/written.
uint8_t slave_id
struct tag_rs_modbus_client_config
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about client configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t comm_type
uint16_t port
Server Port number for TCP IP.
IP Address or serial port name.
uint32_t baud_rate
Baud Rate for serial mode.
uint8_t parity
Parity for serial mode.
uint8_t flow_ctrl
Flow Control settings.
uint8_t data_length
Data length.
uint8_t stop_bits
Stop bit.
uint32_t slave_resp_timeout
Server response timeout.
rs_handle_t comm_handle
Transport interface handle (RTU/TCP)
uint8_t comm_type
struct tag_rs_modbus_client_instance
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about client.
Public Members
rs_modbus_client_config_t *ptr_config
Pointer to buffer containing client configuration.
rs_modbus_client_req_t *ptr_requests
Pointer to buffer containing client requests.
rs_modbus_client_req_t *ptr_active_request
Pointer to active request.
rs_handle_t transport_handle
Handle to the Modbus client interface (RTU/ASCII/TCP)
uint32_t data_len
Data length of RX/TX packet.
uint16_t num_req
Number of requests.
uint8_t state
Modbus client process state.
uint8_t run_state
Modbus client run state.
uint8_t reconfigure
Modbus client reconfiguration flag.
uint32_t comm_time_out
Modbus client timeout for RX/TX.
uint8_t *ptr_buff
Pointer to the buffer for RX/TX.
uint16_t buf_len
Buffer length for RX/TX.
uint16_t num_tx
Number of TX done.
uint16_t num_rx
Number of RX done.
uint32_t last_resp_time
Last slave response timeout.
int32_t req_read_index
Circular FIFO read index.
int32_t req_write_index
Circular FIFO write index.
rs_modbus_client_config_t *ptr_config
struct tag_rs_modbus_rtu_client_instance
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about rtu client.
Public Members
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance
Common client instance(Information)
rs_serial_config_t rtu_serial_config
RTU serial configuration.
rs_serial_instance_t rtu_serial_instance
RTU serial instance(Information)
RTU data buffer of RX/TX.
RTU FIFO data buffer of TX.
RTU FIFO data buffer of RX.
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance
struct tag_rs_modbus_ascii_client_instance
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about ASCII client.
Public Members
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance
Common client instance(Information)
rs_serial_config_t ascii_serial_config
ASCII serial configuration.
rs_serial_instance_t ascii_serial_instance
ASCII serial instance(Information)
ASCII data buffer of RX/TX.
ASCII FIFO data buffer of TX.
ASCII FIFO data buffer of RX.
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance
struct tag_rs_modbus_client_info
- #include <rs_modbus_client.h>
Contains information about TCP client.
Public Members
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance
Common client instance(Information)
rs_socket_config_t tcp_socket_config
TCP socket configuration.
rs_tcp_conn_instance_t tcp_socket_instance
TCP socket instance(Information)
TCP data buffer of RX/TX.
rs_modbus_client_instance_t client_instance